Sunday 14 July 2013

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We made it!  Welcome to Newfoundland!

Today was a great day.  We woke up in St John's this morning without any road trip looming before us.  For the next seven days, the Ducs are parked chez Nichols: Mark, my oldest brother, (soon to be even older) and my amazing sister-in-law, Darlene.  For those following this blog, you have now met 3 of my four brothers from my mother's side.  The fourth one, Bobby, is in LA.  Sorry, Bobby, but there's no way we're driving down there!

Mark is an Anglican priest.  I'm sure he's Mom's favorite now because of that.  He delivered the service for Dad's funeral last September, but apart from that, I had never heard him preach.  I made sure that despite the late night, I was up early enough to make the 8:30 service this morning.  Kim and the boys would follow for the 10:30 service.  I was excited to have that time to myself, though, to really listen to Mark.  I love Levi and Theo dearly, but they can be somewhat distracting in church as I try to keep them away from coloring in the hymnals and having wrestling matches in the pews.

Mom should be proud.  I am certainly proud.  He's the perfect blend of traditionalism and social justice. He spoke on the well known Good Samaritan parable today.  Most church goers have heard this parable a hundred times, so I was curious to see if Mark would put a different spin on it.  Mark mainly held true to the standard version of the story, perhaps giving a bit more background history of the biblical laws.  I smiled with admiration as he launched his final hook in the water; He tied the religious laws of the time to the priest's avoidance of the beaten man; highlighting the disgrace of actually using the Bible to justify our unloving treatment towards people who don't fit our moulds.  Well done, Mark!

I then went home and had a nap, but promise, it was not because he bored me  to sleep!

We ended the day at a nearby beach.  Mark and I had challenged each other to swimming in the Atlantic.  I had heard everyone go on and on about how cold the ocean around there would be, so I was pleasantly surprised when there was no breath sucking gasp when I first stepped in.  Piece of cake for this water baby!  Mark's voice changed octaves, but he did go in as well.

   Proof that I was in the water.  Photo of Mark????


A bonfire was lit, whales lingered, s'mores were made again, the odd beer might have been cracked open, and we were treated to another beautiful sunset.  As I meandered through the photos tonight, (well, this morning, now)  there were so many that could deserved to be posted.  It was hard to limit myself, but I put in a valiant effort.  As the sun finally dipped below the horizon, the moonlight shimmered and kept us company.  Perhaps the perfectness of today was one of the reasons I'm up so late with this was the type of day you just don't want to end. 

                                      You know the water isn't that cold when even Kim goes in!

                                                               Trouble, with a capital T

Surfer Boys!!


Brotherly Love

Now, I know how this looks, but I really wasn't.
I love my brother, honest!
My niece, Courtenay
My niece, Melissa
Awesome pic of an awesome sister-in-law

                          Crack a smile, Mark


Hello, Levi!

Classic Theo, licking his upper lip!

Thanks to all those who have travelled along this journey with us.  We are in Newfoundland for the rest of the week if you want to stay and tour along with us.  We will then be reunited with our lonely van and will start the trek home.

Family is indeed a beautiful gift; one to be cherished.  It's taken me longer than most to figure this out, but I'm on the right path now!


  1. Such lovely sentiments, my friend...

  2. You are on the right path. My heart bleeds for your Mother. She's missing out on so much. I'm so happy for you and your family. This post is special- pictures included. And , of course, I love your sister-in-law without meeting her. Hugs to you & yours! Baba.

  3. WONDERFUL FAMILY PHOTOS!!! Great glammy shot of Mommy! Gotta frame that one! Perfectly beautiful...and how nice you were able to attend Mark's church, such a special time...Love to all xoxGC
